Marzex Elijre

Simple secure elections brought to you by Marzex Technologies. Create and manage your election in 3 simple steps without compromising on security today!


Great for your Election

Starting and managing an election has never been easier! Never worry again about the integrity of your election with Elijre.


Elijre ensures secure, tamper-proof elections by adopting the highest security protocols.


The bigger your election, the cheaper it gets. Don't believe us? Try the pricing calculator in the election creation page.


Manage your elections with clean and easy to use dashboards.


Elijre has all the things hackers hate. Rest assured that your election will run without a hitch.

BlockchainSSLEnd to end encryptionDDOS protectionTwo factor authentication
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Scale your elections without worrying about inflating costs.

The more voters there are, the more you save!

Get started
Election Cost calculator


Ease of use

Use the dashboard to do everything and anything related to your election

  • Register voters

  • Design your ballot

  • Pay for it on site


Get started today

Get your election up and running in minutes!